Penjelasan Materi Gambar Bab 4 Sistem Gerak (English Version)
The bones contained in the human body are numerous and form a unity called skeleton or skeleton. The bones that make up the human body form the skeleton. The main function of the skeleton is as a body support and passive motion. Other functions are as follows.
1. uphold or support the body
2. protect the weak or soft parts of the body
3. where skeletal skeletal muscles are attached
4. Giving shape to the body
5. Perform motion functions, ie as a passive motion tool.
6. As a place of formation of blood cells.
7. As a place of reserve or stockpiling of calcium and phosphate.
The hard bone or osteon is derived from mesenchymal tissue or embryonic connective tissue. Hard bones are composed of osteoblasts. The osteoblast cells lie within the lacuna. Some osteoblasts that grow and pour are trapped in their own secretions called osteocytes. Osteocyte osteocytes will form a hard bone structure and replace cartilage. Between osteocytes with one another are connected by the canaluli.
Hard bone tissue is made up of units called the Havers system. Inside each Havers system there is a blood vessel as a feeding supplier for the bones or ducts of the Havers.
Based on the shape and size, the bone consists of pipe bones or length, short bones, flat bones, and irregular bone.
Spongiosa bone has many cavities filled with red marrow. This type of bone is often found in epiphies of long bones, short bones, flat bones, and irregular bones.
Compact bones have a circular matrix or a Havers system. Each matrix contains blood vessels and nerve cells. This type of bone does not have many cavities so the compact bone structure is very strong.
Skeleton system or skeleton system consists of two parts, namely Axial Skeleton and appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton is the arrangement of several bones that make up the main axis of the body. 74 bones consist of 23 skull bones, 33 vertebrae, 1 breastbone, and 24 ribs.
Appendicular skeleton consists of upper limbs and lower limbs. The number of bones in the Appendicular Skeleton is 126 fruits consisting of 120 bones of upper limbs or arms and that or legs, four shoulder bones, and 2 hip bones, the remaining six bones are hearing bones in both ears.
Osteoporosis is the state of bones become brittle and porous because the bone lacks calcium. Generally osteoporosis experienced by parents or elderly and pregnant women.
Healing of the fracture can be cured by the installation of internal or external surgical castings.
Fractures are bone fractures due to collisions or hard blows.
Syncrosses of bone-bone sinfibrosis are linked by fibrous or fibrous connective tissue. For example on the relationship between the skull bones.
Amfiartrosis is a joint whose motion is very limited, for example, at the joints between the vertebral segments connected by fibrous cartilage.
Diartrosis is a joint whose free movement diartrosis also referred to as the living joint. There are several types of diartrosis: bullet joints, hinge joints, swivel joints, saddle joints, sliding joints, and glide joints.
Muscles serve as the main supporters of gestures. In general, vertebrate and human muscles are divided into three types, namely skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and heart muscle.
Smooth fibers skeletal muscle cells or myofibrils contain protein or genital Mio vitamins ie thin filaments or actin and thick filaments or myosin.
According to the filament shift theory, when the sarkomer shortens, the length of the filaments does not change. As the muscle contracts, actin filaments shift to the center of the sarcoma due to myosin activity, while the myosine filaments remain in place.
An antagonist motion is the opposite motion between two or more kinds of muscles that control motion in a part of the body. The most widely known antagonist motion is the biceps and triceps.
A person with paralysis may be assisted by a wheelchair. This tool can be driven by your own hands, driven by other parties, or by using an automatic machine.
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