Uji Kompetensi Bab 4 (English Version)

1. Osteoporosis disease is probably caused by excess hormone ....
A. Calcitonim
B. Prolactin
C. Parathormon
D. Corticidal
E. Epinephrin

2. The type of structural protein that plays a role in muscle cell contraction is ....
A. Mikrotubun
B. Actin
C. Actin and myosin
D. Myosin
E. Tubulin

3. After strenuous exercise, an athlete feels tired. This is due to….
A. Low levels of lactic acid in muscle
B. The occurrence of fermentation process quickly
C. The process of glycolysis does not occur
D. The rate of alcohol formation is rapid
E. The rate of oxaloacetic acid formation
4. The joints between the bones that make up the skull are called joints ....
A. Sinfibrosis
B. Syncrosis
C. Sinartrosis
D. Endartrosis
E. Diartrosis

5. Notice the antagonistic motion of the human upper arm.
The contraction of the motion device in the image gives rise to the antagonistic movement of the form ....
A. Abbduktor and adductor
B. Fleksor and ektensor
C. Elevators and depressors
D. Pronator and supinator
E. Abductor and reflector

6. If the muscles are constantly contracting, then there will be fatigue because ...
A. excessive use of oxygen
B. accumulation of CO2 in muscle
C. accumulation of lactic acid
D. decreased O2 supply to muscle
E. pyruvic acid accumulation

7. The following statement which is one of the characteristics of muscles at the time of contracting is ...
A. The size of actomiosin length increases
B. Z zone becomes shorter
C. zone H becomes longer
D. Shortens muscle 20% of original size
E. Muscles appear to be brighter

8. Contraction of biceps muscle produces motion ...
a. rotation, which is the motion of circling one central axis
b. extension, ie the hand straightening motion
c. flexion, ie the motion of bending the hand
d. abduction, the movement of the leg away from the body axis
e. adduction, ie the movement of the legs approaching the body axis

9. The type of bone that composes the shoulder blades is the bone ...
a. compact
b. spongiose
c. pipe
d. flat
e. prone

10. Consider the following skeletal and human skeletal images.
 The joints that allow the occurrence of very dull movements are shown by ...
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

11. Articulation between the bone of the femur with the hip bone and between the humerus and the scapula of the joints diartrosisnya is ..
a. saddle
b. glide
c. hinge
d. rotate
e. bullet

12. The joint between the femur and pelvic bracelet that allows it to move in any direction, is a diartrosis joint type.
a. saddle
b. glide
c. rotate
d. sliding
e. bullet

13. Single muscle fibers that merge into a single combination of fibers or bundles are called .....
a. sacaxa
b. endomisium
c. fascism
d. perimisium
e. epimisium

14. The structure of fine fibers inside the muscle cells is called ....
a. miofilaments
b. myofibril
c. sarcomomer
d. myosin
e. troponin

15. Movement of the muscles of the neck and back muscles is a movement ..
a. active
b. antagonist
c. contraction
d. relaxation
e. synergistic

16. The stiffness in the muscle of an active person exercising is caused by
A. Lactic acid
B. Glucose
C. Pyruvic acid
D. Phosphokreatin
E. ATP ase

17. The role of calcium in muscle contraction is
A. Deciding cross-discharge as a cofactor in hydrolysis of Adenosine Tri Phosphate
B. binds with troponin so that the binding of myosin to actin becomes open
C. Delivering action potential through neuromuscular junction
D. Deploy potential action through tubule T
E. Re-establish the polarization of the plasma membrane after the action potential

18. The chemical reaction at the time of muscle contraction is
A. ATP ➡ ADP + H3PO4 + energy
B. Glucose ➡ Glycogen + CO2 + H2O
C. Glucose + O2 ➡ 6CO2 + 6H2O
D. Lactic acid + O2 ➡ CO2 + H2O + Energy
E. Glucose + ATP ➡ pyruvic acid

19. The following are the bones of the framework:
1) Radius
2) Ulna
3) Humerus
4) Metacarp
5) Karpal
The bones that are included in the swivel joint are
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4
E. 2 and 5

20. Bone disorder caused by vitamin D deficiency in children is
A. Rakitis
B. Fibrosis
C. Tetanus
D. Muscular dystrophy
E. Hypertrophy


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